Eric Ponce

Case study overview

This case study will focus on Eric Ponce, a State Farm agent based in Melbourne, Florida, and his use of Modern Marketing 4 Agents’ Deluxe Solution to achieve his marketing goals in the first quarter of 2023. As a local agent, Eric faces a number of challenges in marketing his business, including the need to stand out in a crowded market and reach a wider audience of potential customers. The Deluxe Solution, which provides customized Facebook and Instagram advertising campaigns, custom graphics and video ads, and powerful SEO and analytics tools, offers Eric a comprehensive marketing solution that can help him overcome these challenges and drive business growth. By analyzing Eric’s campaign metrics and performance during this period, this case study will provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of Modern Marketing 4 Agents’ Deluxe Solution in helping local agents like Eric achieve their marketing objectives and compete in a challenging market.

Pain Points

Eric Ponce, like many other local agents, faces a number of pain points in marketing his business. One of the key challenges he faces is standing out in a crowded market, where there are numerous other insurance agents vying for the attention of potential customers. Additionally, Eric needs to find a way to reach a wider audience of potential customers in the Melbourne, Florida area, which can be a difficult task without the right marketing tools and expertise. Another pain point for Eric is the need to create customized marketing materials that effectively communicate his unique value proposition to potential customers. Finally, Eric needs a way to measure the success of his marketing efforts and track his return on investment, in order to make informed decisions about how to allocate his marketing budget.

The Results

Eric Ponce achieved impressive results during the first quarter of 2023, with 365k ad impressions, 85k ad reach, 162k page impressions, and 25k video views. These metrics demonstrate the effectiveness of Modern Marketing 4 Agents’ Deluxe Solution in helping Eric reach a wider audience and generate interest in his business. Furthermore, since February 2022, Eric has seen a significant increase in office call volume of over 22%, with an average of 350 calls per month. He has also experienced a 39% increase in website clicks. In just six months, Eric’s ads have been seen by over 570,284 people on Facebook and Instagram. These impressive metrics are a testament to the power of Modern Marketing 4 Agents’ Deluxe Solution in helping local agents like Eric grow their business and achieve their marketing goals. As Eric put it in March of 2023, “You help make my phone ring with a new record of 256 calls last week… WOW, those numbers are what CMC is all about.”

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